Keep it Local: Help Your Community Every Time You Order From OPA
Doing business with local companies helps us keep our Kansas City economy strong, but did you know that when you order your supplies from Office Products Alliance, you’re not only supporting a local business that’s been in Kansas City for almost 30 years, you’re also helping some very important local charities and community organizations?
Turn your ordinary office supply order into extraordinary opportunities for our community and local charities
Where you buy office supplies matters. By buying local, you help Office Products Alliance create local jobs and support community events and local charities. OPA shares its profits with organizations that help children and adults become healthier and happier, giving them an opportunity to get back on their feet and be part of this wonderful place we call home.
Your order makes a difference
Community is important, and at OPA we work to connect our diverse expertise, resources, and time to help the lives of those around us. We are proud to give back to our community.
From healthcare to education to nutrition to the arts, OPA-supported charitable and community organizations do a lot of good. Here are some of the many groups, causes, associations, charities, and organizations supported by your purchases from OPA.

Do you want to do more?
If you or your company want an introduction to one of these charities, please call us at 816-777-2810 or email us at info@opakc.com. Are you involved with a charity that you want OPA to include in its supported organizations? Please call us at 816-777-2810 or email us at info@opakc.com